Luca Perciballi – Sacred Habits

CD [KHS 034] Listen / Buy

Coming on top of a decade-long sonic exploration of the potentialities of the guitar as a pure sound generator, the performance for solo guitar and objects Sacred Habits is the most recent solo project by Modena-based composer and musician Luca Perciballi (whom the most devoted listeners of Kohlhaas catalog may recall playing electric and acoustic guitar in Alessandro Bosetti’s album Didone).
In Perciballi’s performance the gestures and signs of the body are assembled together and conveyed according to the contemporary modalities of the augmented guitar: electronics, preparations of the instrument and foot percussion. The result is a continuum of noises, archaic melodies, polyrhythms ranging from full electric amplification through pure acoustic sound, up to the use of prepared speakers, appearing as an obscure, vibrant percussion, partly electric and partly acoustic. Body, objects, space and sound make up a possible theatre for a single performer.

Composed and performed by Luca Perciballi (guitar, electronics, foot percussion, prepared speakers).
Recorded by Simone Coen with Davide Cristiani at Groundfloor Studio, Modena.
Mixed and mastered by Simone Coen at Chocolate Audio.
Cover picture by Fabio Barile.
Graphic design by Nicola Chemotti Beutel.

Edition of 200 copies.